Thursday, May 19, 2011

Log of live tweets for I Wish by Wren Emerson

I Wish... (The Witches of Desire) 

In case anybody missed the fun, I decided to preserve the tweets I made while live-tweeting my reading of Wren Emerson's YA paranormal, I Wish... (The Witches of Desire).

The rules, as I have defined them for myself, are one tweet per chapter, each a rhyming couplet which reflects the action in the chapter, or perhaps reflects on it, but without giving too much away. If you have already bought a copy of the book, or if you click on the link above and buy it now for only 99 cents, you can check after each chapter and see if you agree with the tweet.

Feel free to offer a couplet of your own in the comments if you think you can do better than I did. In any case, buy a copy and support a poor, starving author (starving when she isn't buying celebratory pancakes for herself and minions). If you want to read the many pleas and chit chat also tagged with the hash tag , just click on it and read for yourself.

May 18, 2011 Approx 8:00pm

May 18, 2011 Approx 8:30pm

May 18, 2011 Approx 9:00pm

May 18, 2011 Approx 9:45pm

May 18, 2011 Approx 11:30pm

May 19, 2011 Approx 3pm

May 19, 2011 Approx 6:00pm

May 19, 2011 Approx 6:45pm 

1 comment:

  1. I don't know how I missed your compilation of the tweets, but I'm so glad I realized the error of my ways. Thanks for doing this. It was a fun experience.
